At present, the tidal correction model described in the IERS 2003 Conventions should be applied in the processing of permanent networks: in brief, the model involves the computation of a first order tidal correction plus some corrective terms, as functions of space and time. In the BERNESE software, one of the main scientific softwares for GPS network processing, the IERS tidal model is implemented; in July 2004, a bug in the tidal correction routine was identified by one of the paper authors and corrected by the BERNESE staff: the error concerned a second order term, related to the semidiurnal tidal signal. An experimental analysis on the error effects in the results stemming from processing of regional networks has been carried out. A network of 8 European permanent GPS stations has been selected: the network choice ensures heterogeneity in the length and the orientation of the baselines. One year of data has been considered and two elaborations of the data have been performed using the BERNESE 4.2 SW, by applying the same processing strategy and, respectively, the wrong (old) and the right (corrected) tidal correction routine. The differences in the network results and the deformations caused by the error are discussed.