This paper discusses the developments in HCI and new media design. HCI design evolved into human-centred and creative approaches to the conceptualising and building of user interfaces. De Haan [1] identified a number of factors underlying the changing nature of HCI design in moving towards ubiquitous computing and the internet of things. HCI and new media design focussed on light-weight product as mashups of readily available functions and services, and design became a prototyping, feature-driven and an iterative/incremental activity, with a highly flexible and exploratory approach to product design. Three factors describe the changes in design methodology: increasing extension of user-centred design, increasingly higher level software tools and frameworks, and the application of agile design and design exploration. For each factor, a supporting practice-oriented design method is discussed to illustrate the possible future developments in HCI design. In the conclusion, the paper proposes several recommendations regarding the further development of HCI design.