The continued demand for higher density electronic circuits will meet several barriers with the next few years. One of the more obvious ones is the need for reliable method to grow ultrathin dielectric films, such as Al2O3, AlN, TiO2, Si3N4 and SixNy. Here, we dissolve X- ray photoemission spectrum into Si2p, Si2s , O1s and N1s. The nitride and oxide film growth procedures are similar and we have thus paid attention to oxide and nitride film growth. We have grown oxide and nitride film on Si (100) substrates. The growth processes of oxide and nitride film on the Si (100) surfaces have been studied by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The structural issues were reflected in the deconveluted spectra, as we discussed in our recent works [2-15]. We consider SiO2/Si (100) and Si3N4/Si (100) spectra with referring to our published paper